Deep Reading and Deep Book Collecting

Deep Reading and Deep Book Collecting

Read about deep book collecting in “10 Famous Book Hoarders” by Emily Temple at LitHub, June 22, 2017.

Then read about deep reading in “What does it mean for a journalist today to be a Serious Reader?” by Danny Funt at Columbia Journalism Review, June 14, 2017.

Official CIA Manual of Trickery & Deception (FFFFOUND!)

FFFFOUND! | Book Covers – The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception.

Why are books so big? (Got Medieval)

Got Medieval: Why are books so big? (Google Penance).

Words Create Worlds, Fubizâ„¢ (FFFFOUND!)

FFFFOUND! | Words Create Worlds | Fubizâ„¢.

The Lost Princess (FFFFOUND!)

FFFFOUND! | See Hear Say: the lost princess.

Chinese Moleskine by Juan Rayos (

Chinese Moleskine by Juan Rayos | CreativeRoots – Art and design inspiration from around the world.

Library Book Fail (Fail Blog)

Library Book Fail – FAIL Blog: Epic Fail Funny Pictures and Funny Videos of Owned, Pwned and Fail Moments.

Sothebys to auction knockout collection of first-edition books (The Guardian)

Sotheby’s today announced it was to sell what its specialist Peter Selley described as “the most impressive collection of English literature assembled by any British collector in the last 30 or 40 years. Certainly the finest collection of its kind that I’m aware of, unless someone has been squirrelling things away – and that’s highly unlikely.”

Selley said the collection was notable for its breadth of range and more or less all of the greats were there. “In terms of the canon of literature, from an Anglo-Saxon perspective, this is the greatest collection of its kind. Every book is a knockout.

Sothebys to auction knockout collection of first-edition books | Books | The Guardian.